How do I start an investment portfolio for beginners step by step

The importance of investing and create investment portfolio the most important long-term goal of our lives and a stability lane in our lives, due to which we can make big decisions regarding our dreams. By investing, you can improve your wealth and earn compound interest on it.

investment, your future can improve, due to which you will be able to fight the inflation that is going to come in the future, and you can achieve many of your goals, like studying, buying a house or car, getting a farm etc. Yes, if you invest in your life from the beginning, you will be able to achieve all these goals by creating good investment portfolio.

You can get financial security through investment. By investing in your wealth, you can be happy tomorrow. You can plan your retirement. If you invest, only then can you plan for your future and live a good life if you want to do this. If yes, then start investing today; we have given step-by-step guidelines.

Setting Investment portfolio Goals


  • Define short-term and long-term goals.

You should define the short-term and long-term goals of your life, due to which you can diversify your investment portfolio . By having a short-term and long-term goal, you are already aware of that goal, and by investing accordingly, you can achieve your goal in the future without any debt due to your investment. you have clear your future need .

  •  Consider financial objectives (e.g., retirement, education, buying a home).

What will be your short-term and long-term goals, like a retirement home loan, how much EMI will you get, and how much education expenses will you have? All these things should be defined in advance so that you can plan your investment.

  • Assess risk tolerance.

By defining all these goals, you will know how much risk you have to take and how much fear of loss you can handle, and you will also get peace of mind about whether your plan is happening or not.

  • Education and Research

  1. Learn About creating wealthy investment portfolio Options
  2. Stocks
  3. Bonds
  4. Mutual Funds
  5. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
  6. Real Estate

The details of the options given here are given in our second article, what are all investment plan and how can you invest in it.


Understand Risks and Returns Associated with Each Asset Class

Understanding the risks and returns with each asset class is important for building a diversified investment portfolio. Here’s an overview about what risk and reward regarding asset class.

  1. Stocks (Equities) :-

Returns: –  If we look historically, shares are good, they give good returns in long term, we can earn from them and can also create good wealth.

Risks : – There is high volatility in the shares due to which there will be losses in the short period and sometimes even become bankrupt.


  1. Bonds (Fixed-Income) :-

Returns : –  Bonds are generally tax free, returns are very low but it is safe and secure.

Risks :-  There is less risk in bonds as compared to stocks, due to which a best option is available in which one can earn tax free interest on the risk and remain secure, but there is also a fear of the rate being higher or lower.


  1. Cash and Cash Equivalents :-

Returns : – Funds related to Cash and Cash Equivalents, Bond Savings, have the least risk and least return, which has no meaning of investment, it is a type of direct savings.

Risks : – In this, one cannot beat the inflation and get good compounding returns. One can get good returns by just investing.


  1. Real Estate :-

Returns :- In real estate, you get good rental income on regular basis, due to which it becomes a source of passive income. You also get increased prices of your properties in the coming years if you sell them, along with this you also get profit from such investments. You can create many more income sources in the future.

Risks : – By investing in real estate you do not have any physical liquidity.


  1. other Investments (like Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Commodities):

Returns : other investments can offer the potential for higher returns and diversification benefits.

Risks : Alternative investments often come with higher risk and higher brokerage, less transparency, and greater complexity. In which all types of risks are associated such as liquidity transparency. All asset not flexible.

Understanding the risks and returns associated with each asset class is essential for constructing a balanced investment portfolio to achieve your financial need, time  and risk tolerance. In this way, you can develop your portfolio well by diversifying it according to your risk.


Determine Initial Investment Amount

In the beginning you can start with a small amount but as you learn, you will need a bigger amount for which you should be well prepared so that you can make big money. You should use this money from your spare money, otherwise you will not be able to do any investment by disturbing your routine.

  • Choose Suitable Investment Account Type

Brokerage Account 

  • Zerodha
  • Angle one
  • Arham
  • Jainam
  • Motilaloswal

For crypto

  • Coin dcx
  • Binance
Building Your Portfolio

Diversified investment

    • Spread Investments in all asset
    • Consider risk and return Diversification

Asset Allocation

  • Determine Percentage for all assets
  • Adjust according risk and balanace

review and rebuild

  • Regular Portfolio Review
  • review Performance Against Goals
  • reset Allocation

Rebalance Portfolio as Needed

  • Buy or Sell Assets to Maintain Desired Allocation
  • Consider Changes in Market Conditions
Stay upto date
  • Keep Up-to-Date with Market News , Trends and new invention
  • focus on Economic
  • Stay Educated About Investment Strategies













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